a wordpress plug-in for bookmarking
Lastest version (ultima versione): 3.16
Download Social Bookmarking Reloaded
Note: In blue character colour there are the instructions in italian. It is compatible with WordPress 2.9.2
The Social Bookmarking RELOADED plugin for WordPress adds a list of XHTML
compliant graphic links at the end of your posts and/or pages that allow your visitors to easily
submit them in a number of social bookmarking sites.
Furthermore, the plugin adds a page in the WordPress admin section that lets you customize it.
See the Customization section below for details.
The following 62 sites are supported:
delicious, digg, furl, blinklist, reddit, feed_me, technorati, yahoo, newsvine, socializer, magnolia, stumbleupon, google, rawsugar, squidoo, spurl, blinkbits, netvouz, rojo, blogmarks, shadows, simpy, comments, scuttle, bloglines, tailrank, segnalo, oknotizie, netscape, bookmark_it, ask, smarking, linkagogo, delirious, socialdust, msn-live.com, slashdot, sphinn, diggita, seotribu, facebook, upnews, wikio, healthranker, barrapunto, Notizieflash, Kipapa, Fai informazione, Blogmemes, Blogsphere news, Blogsvine, Mixx, Scoopeo, Myspace, ziczac, plim, indianpad, twitter, technotizie, blue dot, diggitsport, connotea, leonaut, mister-wong.
Based on GNU GPL Social Bookmarks 3.2 plugin by Apostolos Dountsis (http://www.dountsis.com/)
Update Instructions (from version RELOADED 1.8 to now) – Aggiornamento del plugin (dalla versione 1.8)
Upload all the contents of the social-bookmarking-reloaded directory to your wp-content/plugins/social-bookmarking-reloaded directory.
Delete the folder social-bookmarks-reloaded.
Than activate the plugin in plugin menu of control pan.
How to Install – Installazione
If you have never use this plugin or a previous version, you have extract the archive file (.zip) and upload the folder social-bookmarking-reloaded in wp-content/plugins of your web space.
Than activate the plugin in plugin menu of admin control panel.
If you need help, please leave me a comment. I am really happy if you are going to give me help in order to develop the next versions of plug-in or just testing.
Additional social bookmarking information, only in italian:
Some blogs using Social Bookmarking RELOADED:
valent-blog.eu, kerowork.netsons.org, acosmim.com, designoftomorrow.nl, zurevla.nl/worldpress, smokinglinux.com/wp/, lizzardworld.com, supsurfmag.com/blog/, lushposh.com, brunosalzano.com, bluereportcast.com, log.antimisandry.com/no2fembots/, wifeswitch.ca/blog/, 32spokes.com/wordpress/, articolando.org, blog.delaware.net, verzitex.com, aziende-italiane.org, agriturismoinpuglia.org, madedeadlyinchina.com, gamepad.it, blognapoli.net, e-learntools.provinz.bz.it/blog/…
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