Social Bookmarking RELOADED 2.7

The 2.7 version of Social Bookmarking Reloaded adds facebook social network. It is compatible with WordPress 2.3.

La nuova versione di Social Bookmarking Reloaded aggiunge il social Facebook. E’ compatibile con WordPress 2.3.

5 pensieri riguardo “Social Bookmarking RELOADED 2.7

  1. chaoskaizer ha detto:

    Nice update I like the friendly ‘select which page to show’ for the bookmarklet.

    anyway some minor typo, invalid attribute inside hyperlink tag (border=”0″ ). i.e:

    you should remove the border attribute.

    thanks u rawk

  2. cento ha detto:

    Ho scaricato il plugin per la versione 2.3 di wordpress secondo le instruzzioni, cuando l’ho attivato le imagini non si vedono, cia tutti i permessi… cosa devo fare?

  3. Stefan ha detto:

    Hi, great plugin. I am using WP 2.3.1. and Reloaded 2.8. I cannot deselect several sites. After saving the functions the plugin will set back all icons. Also every first icon will not sit in the same row like the others.
    Maybe also the border around the icons should be deleted for better visual design.
    Thanks for helping.

  4. admin ha detto:

    There are some problem with some themes. The next version, that it will come, will restyle the icons.

  5. Mauro ha detto:

    Volendo eliminare alcune icone di socialbookmarking tra quelle impostate di default, dove posso intervenire?

    Grazie…era il plugin che cercavo.

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